An Aethalometer® uses continuous optical analysis to determine the black carbon concentration in the aerosol deposited on a filter from the sample air stream. Applications for the Aethalometer include:
Air Quality monitoring • Emissions testing • Climate Change research • Health Effects research • Combustion research
Benchmark Monitoring are an agent for the supply of the Magee Scientific Aethalometer® range within in Australia including the following products:
- Rack mounted AE33 Aethalometer® - Brochure
- AE33 Accessories - Brochure
- Benchtop Sootscan® - Brochure
- Total Carbon Analyser - Brochure
- AethNETTM offers a complete integrated hardware and software package to enable remote management of Aethelometer networks. Functionality includes remote control of operation parameters, automatic supervision of status including status reports and alarms notifications, data storage and analysis. More information may be found in the AethNET brochure
- AE43 Aethalometer® - Brochure
- Carbonaceous Aerosol Speciation Sytem Model CASS - Brochure