
Benchmark Monitoring supply a range of instrumentation for the following parameters: Relative Air Humidity, Dew Point and Moisture.


Relative Air Humidity (RH) is defined as the moisture (water vapour) in the atmosphere, RH is expressed as a percentage of the amount of moisture that can be retained at a given temperature and pressure without condensation. Dew Point refers to the temperature at which air reaches 100% Relative Humidity (RH) and becomes saturated with water vapor (moisture as a liquid phase). Moisture is the product of specific RH and Dew Point conditions to which forms water in the adsorbed or absorbed phase. 

Humidity measuring technology supplied by Benchmark Monitoring conforms to the requirements of the following Australian and New Zealand Standards:

  • Table 16 of AS 3580.14-2014 hygrometer (RH sensor) for direct measurement of relative humidity