Air Pressure

The precise recording of atmospheric pressures in high- and low barometric conditions is a key requirement of meteorological pressure measurements, in order to make precise weather forecasts for predictive models.

These measurements are used in a variety of appliactions including:

Air Quality Modelling, Research Laboratory Measurements, Environmental Monitoring, Climate Research, Clean-Room Control, Aeronautics, Weather Stations, Data Bouys, Wind Assessment Systems, High Altitude Research Balloons.

The need for accurate pressure determination is these fields are vital.

These pressure measurements need to be able to be allocated to a wide range of data acquisition and the ability to receive data in numerous formats which is suitable for given applications. Benchmark Monitoring offers a comprehensive range of electrical and mechanical pressure transducers for such applications which conform to the requirements of the Australian and New Zealand Standard:

  • AS3580.14-2011 for electronic barometers