FP-25 Calibrator kit for Air Quality Monitoring needs. Portable mass flow standard that calibrates temperature, pressure, and flow for a variety of air samplers. NIST traceable readings with high accuracy for EPA reporting. Bluetooth and customized app makes remote calibration from your phone possible. Built in relative humidity sensor for even more accurate readings.
- Flow Accuracy of +/- 1% of Reading – Even at Low Flow Rates
- Accurate in Any Weather – From -30°C to +60°C and IP67 certified
- Includes relative-humidity sensor accurate up to 95% RH
Specification Sheet: DOC-SPECS-FP25.pdf

The BGI ‘TetraCal’® is a simple-to-use, NIST-traceable Standard for volumetric airflow, barometric pressure, and ambient temperature. The TetraCal is a venturi-based system with built-in compensation for changes in ambient temperature and pressure. The TetraCal® may be directly connected to the Aethalometer model AE33 for air flow calibration.

Drying the aerosol sample stream is highly recommended to provide accurate measurement data and protect the water condensation equipment.
In hot, humid locations, the water vapor content of the ambient sample air may be considerable. This can lead to inaccuracies in the BC measurement – but, more seriously, there is the possibility of water condensation inside the instrument, which can lead to permanent damage. This issue is solved by the use of our Sample Stream Dryer.
The interaction of water with aerosol species changes their physical properties. Consequently, the World Meteorological Organization has recommended that all aerosol measurements should be performed under conditions where the Relative Humidity is 40% or lower (WMO/GAW 2003; Wiedensohler, 2014).
Many stations in hot, humid locations have air-conditioned interiors. If the indoor air-conditioning temperature Ta is comparable to or lower than the dewpoint (condensation temperature) Td of the outside ambient air, water will condense in the tubing and inside the instrument. This will not only completely invalidate the data but can also cause permanent damage to the instrument.
The Aerosol Magee Scientific Sample Stream Dryer removes water vapor from the inlet flow using a semi-permeable Nafion membrane. This membrane selectively absorbs water vapor molecules from the air stream and passes them to a space on the other side of the membrane, maintained at low absolute pressure using a vacuum pump.
The Sample Stream Dryer can reduce the dew point temperature by up to 14 degrees Celsius at a flow rate of 5 LPM. The equipment is self-contained, automatic, and includes a display screen that shows the input and output hygrometric properties. A data cable can connect to the Model AE33 Aethalometer to incorporate the temperature and humidity data into the Aethalometer’s data files.
The Sample Stream Dryer can remove water vapor from the inlet stream to an aerosol instrument, not just an Aethalometer.

The Neutral Density Optical Filter Kit provides validation of the reproducibility of the photometric detectors.
The optical performance of the Aethalometer® may be validated in the field by the ‘Neutral Density Optical Filter Kit’, consisting of glass inserts made of stable and broad-spectrum absorbing materials, with well-defined optical transmittance. Software routines measure the optical intensities at all wavelengths and compare the analysis during the test with the original reference values. This validates the reproducibility of the Aethalometer’s fundamental measurement of optical Attenuation.
- Specification Sheet: Sensors_spec_sheet.pdf

Our new family of Weather station sensors for measurements of Air temperature, Pressure, Relative/Absolute humidity, Wind speed, and Wind direction consists of:
1. The GMX300 Ambient Meteorological Sensor is a combined instrument mounted inside three doubled louvered, naturally aspirated radiation shields with no moving parts. It measures air temperature, humidity, and pressure.
2.The GMX200 is a Wind speed and direction ultrasonic sensor, and with an addition of an electronic compass, it provides apparent wind measurements.
3.The GMX500 is a compact weather station (with temperature, pressure, humidity, wind speed, and wind direction sensors).
For more information, please refer to the below brochure:
- Specification Sheet:Sensors_spec_sheet.pdf
Ambient atmospheres include suspended particles of a large aerodynamic size such as pollen, dust, etc. These particles are not strongly optically absorbing and therefore do not interfere with the Aethalometer® analysis; however, a deposit of dust in the internal optics will degrade performance after lengthy use. To exclude large particles and provide analysis of a known respirable size fraction, we recommend using size-selective inlets designed to exclude particles of aerodynamic size greater than a specified cut point at a specified sample air flow rate. We offer the ‘Sharp-Cut Cyclones’ designed by BGI (USA) and now manufactured by Mesa Labs (USA). These inlets are usually attached directly to the sample inlet tube at the entry point but may also be installed in-line closer to the Aethalometer.
PM2.5 Inlet
BGI model SCC-1.828. Provides a cut point of 2.5µm at a sample flow rate of 5 LPM.
PM1/2.5 Inlet
BGI model SCC-1.197. Provides a cut point of 2.5µm at a sample flow rate of 2 LPM or 1µm at a sample flow rate of 5 LPM.
PM1 Inlet
BGI model SCC-0.732. Provides a cut point of 1µm at a sample flow rate of 2 LPM.
BGI ‘Mini-PM’ Inlet Kit
The BGI ‘Mini-PM’ Inlet Kit offers impaction jet inserts to provide size-selective capabilities of TSP, PM-10, PM-4, PM-2.5, and PM-1 when operated at a flow rate of 5 LPM.

The air pump inside the Aethalometer® can supply a constant sample flow rate of 5 LMP up to
approx. 3000 m a.s.l., when the sample flow rate (reported at standard conditions) will slowly decrease. To extend the operating range of the Aethalometer® up to 5000 m a.s.l. your
Aethalometer can now be connected to an external HA air pump.
- Specification Sheet: HA pump_AE_spec_sheet.pdf